Publication of Proceedings
The proceedings of the 2004 Conference on Optoelectronic and
Microelectronic Materials and Devices will be published by the
IEEE Press. All
COMMAD 2004 papers will be peer reviewed prior to being included in
the Proceedings.
are due by 12 November 2004.
Paper Preparation and
should conform to IEEE conference proceedings standards (see templates below) |
should not exceed 4 pages for contributed, and 8 pages for invited papers |
proceedings will be printed on A4 paper.
Please do not change the
paper size found in the templates! |
The IEEE copyright
declaration form must be completed for each paper (details
below) |
All papers
should be submitted in .pdf format. |
Paper submission is closed.
Please make sure to correctly enter
all required data fields in the paper submission software.
To ensure
consistent formatting, please make use of the templates supplied
IEEE Copyright Form
Authors must
complete an IEEE Copyright Form (available below) for each
paper submitted, to be eligible for publication in the
Please complete the form and send by
Fax or Post to the COMMAD 2004 Chair.
Dr Aleksandar D. Rakic
COMMAD 2004 Chair
School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
University of Queensland
St Lucia QLD 4072
Brisbane, Australia Fax: +61-(0)7-3365-4999 |