It would be very much appreciated if presenters
could provide a copy of their slides, on CD or portable
flash drive, to Shane Goodwin located opposite
the Registration and Information Desk, when registering for the
conference. If this is not possible presenters should
provide their slides 30 minutes prior to the beginning of the session in which
they will be presenting. Computers will be available for use in
the presentation, but speakers are free to use their own computers
(including Apple Power Books). It is requested that all PowerPoint
files be created with embedded fonts to avoid complications prior
to the presentation.
If speakers
require additional audio-visual equipment or consideration
(alternative operating environments, presentation software, or
non-standard video codecs/plugins), please contact the conference
Posters have been allocated a
maximum area of 1.2m
1m (Height
Width). The recommended dimensions are 1.2m
0.8m, but presenters may use posters of any size
or aspect within the given space. Velcro pads and pins will be
available on-site.
There will be two
poster sessions:
Wednesday, 8
December, 16.40 to 18.40
Thursday, 9
December, 16.30 to 18.00.
Please check
Program for your session.
All Conference
attendees are invited to attend the poster sessions and enjoy
refreshments while reviewing the posters and take the opportunity
to interact with poster authors.
Authors are
required to remain in the vicinity of their poster board for the
first hour of their session to answer the questions from
Poster authors are
responsible for setting up their posters before the start of the
poster session. The poster boards will be available from 12.00
(noon) on 9 December and 10 December 2004.
Authors are
required remove posters after the close of the session. Any
posters left on boards at the close of each poster sessions will
be considered unwanted will be discarded.