The conference covers all aspects of semiconductor science and
technology -- including growth and characterisation of
semiconductor materials and devices, as well as semiconductor
processing and novel applications. We invite contributions on a
wide variety of topics including, but not limited to the
Technologies for Photonics, Microelectronics, and
 | Epitaxy, bulk growth, substrates |
 | Artificial structured materials |
 | Synthesis of novel materials systems |
 | Electronic, optical and magnetic material properties and characterisation |
Electron Devices and Systems
 | Heterostructure transistors, high-speed devices and
integrated circuits |
 | High power and high temperature semiconductor devices |
 | Sensors |
 | Spin injection and novel devices |
Photonic Devices and Systems
 | Semiconductor light-emitting devices including:
 | Tunable Lasers,
 | Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers,
 | Quantum-Cascade Lasers |
 | Detectors, modulators, switches |
 | THz and ultrafast phenomena |
 | Devices for optical interconnection, OEICs, MEMS |
 | Microwave Photonics |
Nanotechnology and Nanostructures: Physics and Applications
 | Photonic Bandgap Structures and novel devices based on PBGs |
 | Nanophotonic Materials |
 | Nanostructure fabrication, self-organised quantum dots |
 | Quantum and single-electron devices, novel circuits |
 | Physics and properties of ultrasmall structures |
Organic Photonics and Electronics
Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Materials
Organic Light-Emitting Devices
Organic Photovoltaics
Organic Field Effect transistors