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Registration Information

Payment of Registration Fees

Please register and pay online. All prices quoted are in Australian dollars (AUD$) and include GST. As part of the online registration process you will be presented with a Conditional Tax Invoice for you to print off for your records. This Conditional Tax Invoice becomes a Tax Invoice for GST purposes when you make payment. Delegates have the option of paying via BPay (Australian residents only), Internet Payment, or cheque. These options are presented on the Conditional Tax Invoice.

Accommodation at selected hotels can be organised automatically through the registration process.   Though every effort is made to book your first choice, please advise us of your second choice should your first preference not be available.  You will be required to pay for one day to secure your booking. You can pay the balance to the vendor on checkout, or organise to pay the full amount up front, by contacting the Conference Secretariat.  

All changes to accommodation bookings must be made through the Conference Secretariat and not through the hotel/accommodation direct. Cancellation of accommodation must be advised in writing to the Conference Secretariat. If cancellations are made within 7 days of your booking, it is at the hotel’s discretion if a full refund will be made.

Student Registration

Students must be full time students, enrolled for degrees or diplomas at a university or tertiary institution to receive the student concession fee. Students must provide the email address of their Head of Department to verify their claim for student registration.

Student registration does not include a copy of the proceedings.   The Conference Dinner is included in Student Registration fee.  

Early Bird Registration

The deadline for early bird registration and payment is Friday 29 October 2004.

Registration at the Conference

The COMMAD04 registration desk will open at 14.00 on Tuesday 7  December 2004 and will remain open throughout the Conference.

Location: Student Union Building, Innes Room
Tuesday, 7 December: 14:00 to 18:00
Wednesday, 8 December and Thursday, 9 December: 07:30 to 18:00
Friday, 10 December: 08:00 to 14:30


Registration Fees*

Before 29 October 2004 From 30 October 2004
Full Registration - $AUD 660 Full Registration - $AUD 770
Student Registration - $AUD 250 Student Registration - $AUD 360
Single Day ** - $AUD 300 Single Day ** - $AUD 350

* All prices are in Australian Dollars
** Single Day registrations do not include the conference dinner. Additional tickets for the Conference Dinner can be purchased at $90 per ticket.

Registration Procedure

Register using:

Online Registration


On-line payment requires Netscape Navigator 6+ or Internet Explorer 5.00+ browser and Javascript enabled. A printer is required to print the online receipt from Verisign Australia. Verisign Australia will also email your transaction receipt to the email address that you entered.


The University only accepts MasterCard, Visa or Bank Card.


The speed of processing through University and Verisign Australia systems will depend upon your modem speed and internet service provider capability.


Overseas bank cheques must be in AUD$ Australian Dollars, drawn on an Australian Bank and free of all charges.


Please make cheques payable to "The University of Queensland - COMMAD04".


Please note that payment is required within 14 days from invoice/online registration date




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                          © Copyright 2004 University of Queensland. All rights reserved.