| Prof. Pallab Bhattacharya
Uni. of Michigan, USA
High-Speed Quantum Dot Lasers |
 | Prof. Joe C. Campbell
Uni. of Texas, USA
Recent Developments in Avalanche
Photodiodes |
 | Prof. Brian C. Cavenett
Heriot-Watt Uni, Scotland
Growth and Spectroscopy of II-VI
Quantum Dots |
 | Prof. Bob Clark
Uni. of NSW, Australia
Si-Based Quantum Computer |
 | Prof. James J. Coleman
Uni. of Illinois at Ur.-Ch, USA
Integrated Photonic Devices by
Selective Area Epitaxy |
 | Prof. P. Daniel Dapkus
Uni. of S. California, USA |
Optoelectronic Integration: The
Impact of Meso and Nanophotonics on the Future Integrated
 | Prof. Gottfried Dohler
Uni. of Erlangen, Germany
Ballistic Transport in
Nanostructures Used for Novel THz Sources |
 | Dr. K. Catchpole
Uni. of NSW, Australia
Third Generation Photovoltaics |
 | Prof. Umesh Mishra
Uni. of California (SB), USA
Problems and Promise of GaN Based
Unipolar Devices |
 | Prof. Hideki Matsumura
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Cat-CVD as a New Fabrication
Technology of Semiconductor Devices |
 | Prof. Marek Osinski
Uni. of New Mexico
InNAs/GaAs Quantum Wells for
Mid-Infrared Applications |
 | Prof. Michael Shur
Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst, USA
Physics of Electron Transport in
Nitride-Based Materials |
 | Prof. Bengt Svensson
Uni. of Oslo, Norway
Processing and Characterisation
of SiC |
 | Prof. Magnus Willander
Chalmers Uni. of Technology, Sweden
Trapping, Investigation, and
Manipulation of Single Biomolecules by Semiconductor-Based
Nanoelectronics |
 | Prof. X. C. Zhang
Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst, USA
Recent Advances in Terahertz
Optoelectronics |